Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Break from the Norm

The above and below photos were taken with a Canon PowerShot SD870

People who know me, know I rarely travel without my camera. It is most irritating to my husband and mildly irritating to my family. Because it is how I make my living, they often ask "can't you just relax!" The funny thing is, however, I AM relaxing when I have my camera. Ok, well, for everyone out there who wants me to take a break, I kind of did during the end of January. For two whole weeks I only took out my 5D once (the 1D stayed home) during my little birthday party to shoot some macro shots with a new "ring" lens I got and then the rest of the time I used my little point and shoot Canon. It was still not without a little irritation from my husband on our vacation when it took some convincing to leave the camera in our room on our third day on the slopes. So, for those of you who think it is all about the camera, here are a few shots I took with my crappy point and shoot (while my snowboard was still strapped on.)

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