Friday, March 20, 2009

Macro Floral Photography

Yesterday I gave a private lesson to a long time student of mine in Pasadena. She enters all sorts of contests and I come to her home about 2 times a month to tutor her on whatever she is working on. She was at the end of a project so I thought we would take a break and have some fun shooting in her garden and learning more about macro photography. She picked it up well, but commented on how disorienting it is to shoot with such a shallow depth of field. It is almost like when you get sea sick. One thing to remember when shooting macro is to shoot a lot of the same subject if you want a very shallow depth of field or raise your aperture to get more in focus. I tend to like the blurry look in my shots with only a small part of it in focus. I think on my next outing I will try stopping down all the way and see what I get. Here are some of my shots from the lesson.

To view more of Jen's work visit her main website.
To learn more about photography go to the PHOTO 101 Archives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh...i love this one..belongs on a wall!!