Sunday, September 7, 2008

PHOTO 101: How to get an "A"

In life isn't that all we want... to get an "A?" Your new job, your friends, your new boyfriend, wife, kids. The list goes on. Most of us strive to do the best job we can do with the things we care about the most. As a photographer, I want to do work that not only are my clients in love with, but that I am proud of as well. Photography is an art-form, that in my opinion, when in a fairly controlled environment, can be learned and mastered by anyone. [don't negate the "X" factor, however which is needed for someone to become noteworthy. more on that later.] I am creating a series of short lessons to help any student of photography [aren't we all.] learn some basic tips, tricks, and techniques to learn how to take better photographs [not snapshots!] While the process is an extraordinarily important part of getting great photos, I will be posting some easy-to-use-right-now ideas that will take your photos from "nice snap-shots" to "wow great-shots" So get out there, and shoot, shoot, shoot. Check back often and learn how to get an "A" in photography [with honors!]

The above photo was taken with a point-and-shoot camera with available light! no joke.
You can get great photos with the most basic equipment.

Camera: Canon PowerShot SD870 IS Digital Elph 8.0mp
Settings: F/2.8 1/20 sec. ISO 80
Date Taken: February 2, 2008
Subject: My husband and son's feet (Tim & Jake)

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